You might have noticed rainbow commas are a common logo for First Congregational Church in Albuquerque, NM. The colorful commas complement our rainbow doors visible on the south side of the church building. Our doors say, “God’s Doors Are Open To All”. To our community, that means that “No matter who you are and where you are on your faith journey, YOU are welcome here.”
God’s Comma
The comma is part of a 2004 advertising campaign of the United Congregational Church denomination. The punch line is, “Don’t put a period where God has put a comma” by Gracie Allen.
The television ads accompanying this advertising campaign for the United Church of Christ were rejected by the major networks as “Too controversial,” some said. “Too religious,” others judged.
God continues to reveal new truths to us. God continues to build new communities for us. God continues to reach out to us so that no one is left out of the family of God. So, let us not dare to put a period where God has put a comma.
We welcome all because God has accepted us all.
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